A'Taka is an animated action-mystery movie, inspired by Akira Kurosawa's films such as The Seven Samurai (1954), as well as the great whodunits of the past like Murder on the Orient Express (1974). Set in a fantasy world, the film follows young warrior-in-training Kuro as he makes the transformation into an A'TAKA KNIGHT; the most powerful group of warriors in the world.


Jack Buckley is a 18-year old Virginia-based filmmaker. In 2019, he released his first 89-minute animated feature film, Remnants. Since then, he has been hard at work on his second movie, A'Taka. (above is a 12-minute PBS feature recorded during the release of Remnants)


A'TAKA is currently in development in multiple ways. The film is mostly funded with a Kickstarter on the way, and the art/design for the film are in continuous production. Subscribe to the Mobius Studios YouTube channel for quarterly updates on the movie as well as exclusive behind the scenes content.